Seed and Root
Image Description: Black background with white text. Next to the text is multi colored seed. The text reads: Roots Of Mayday. Environmental Justice, Workers Rights, Queer Community, BIPOC Leadership.
At HOBT we have been asking “how do we live the spirit of MayDay year-round?” The image of the MayDay Celebration as a seed emerged: a tiny vessel full of power and potential waiting to burst forth.
We are tilling the soil, welcoming in pollinators, readying the compost, and planting the seed of MayDay with strong roots sprouting forth representing our deeply held values: green for Environmental Justice, red for the Labor Movement, purple for Queer Community and brown for BIPOC Leadership.
These roots inspire and guide all HOBT programming as we work to embody the values of MayDay in every aspect of our organization.
Click the roots below to learn more about the different MayDay values
Click the Roots to learn more about the history and future of our MayDay values!
Green for Environmental Justice
“It is humbling to remember that humans are a part of, not separate from, nature. And in that connection is a sacred call to care for the earth and all who call it home, as Indigenous peoples have for centuries.”
Red for the Labor Movement
“We see MayDay as an important moment and opportunity for movement building in our communities and neighborhoods in the continued fight for workers’ rights and protections, health care and housing for all, and an end to the gentrification of our neighborhoods.”
Purple for Queer Community
“As we imagine the future of MayDay, we see: MayDay as a protest, as political space, as an organizing hub. MayDay as a radical celebration of love expressed through action. Loving our lovers, our families, neighbors, community.”
Brown for BIPOC Leadership.
“We honor the labor, vision, gifts, experiences, leadership, and brilliance of Black, Indigenous People of Color. We know that moving forward MayDay and HOBT must be led by and for BIPOC artists and organizers.“
Image Description: A large image of a multi colored seed.
Make a gift today to support the values of MayDay in action all year round.