Safer Spaces Policy

At HOBT, we celebrate art-making as a tool that helps us subvert systems of oppression and concentrate power, healing, & light within our communities and ourselves. Transformative creative work is not possible without safer spaces. 

Safer spaces are “intentional anti-oppression spaces, created with the goal of welcoming all identities, meaning all genders, races, religions, abilities, orientations, etc. We make safer spaces by being brave enough to enter these spaces, being vulnerable enough to make mistakes and learn, and by calling out and responding to oppressive behavior.” (Laura Kling, Our Streets Mpls).

We ask the following from everyone who enters HOBT and the Avalon Theater:

  • Respect everyone’s identity and lived experience; including names and pronouns. Do not assume anyone’s race, religion, gender, sexuality, survivor status, economic status, citizenship status, physical/mental health, and/or neurotype.
  • Respect everyone’s physical and emotional boundaries. Check-in with someone before discussing topics that may be triggering (e.g. abuse, violence, encounters with police). Bigotry and/or aggression will not be tolerated at any time, and are grounds to be asked to leave the space.
  • Do not touch or take photos of someone without their explicit consent.
  • Question your impulse to call the police. Ask if there is anything you and/or your surrounding community can do to de-escalate/resolve the situation without involving our criminal (in)justice system. 

We honor that what is needed to feel “safe” is different for everyone. If someone tells you that something you’ve said or done has made them feel unsafe, we ask that you respond by listening, rather than getting defensive. A person sharing this vulnerable information with you is an opportunity to build a better relationship and a stronger community. 

If someone says or does something that makes you feel unsafe and you do not feel comfortable addressing it with them directly, you are welcome to approach an HOBT staff person at any time.

HOBT staff acknowledges that we are bound by the same code of conduct. If an HOBT staff member or representative violates the terms of Safer Space, we welcome you to address it with us directly, or to contact our Board Chair at [email protected] to mediate an accountability process.


Thank you for your commitment to making HOBT a place where everybody can show up and participate as their full selves!


PupfestHOBT041pauleide (1)

Image Description: A photograph shows five people in bird costumes on the grass, in front of trees. They wear white blankets draped over their shoulders and green masks with human faces. From their heads sprout long bird necks/ heads.