Image Description: A black banner shows white text at center that reads "MayDay Council." Multi colored roots in purple, red, brown, and green, grow from the top and bottom corners.
About our MayDay Council
HOBT's MayDay Council (MDC), is comprised of artists and community leaders representing a wealth of passion, skill, and energy for the work of creating a more equitable and accessible MayDay.
The function of The MayDay Council is to collectively design a more sustainable and equitable path forward for MayDay.
The Council is guided by feedback collected after a widespread survey was conducted with artists and community members who contributed to previous MayDay seasons.
The MayDay Council is partnering with HOBT in designing a new approach to the planning and production of MayDay events based on principles of equity, justice, and collaboration.
The MayDay Council also serves as an advisory team to the HOBT Leadership Team. We commit to strive for consensus between the MayDay Council, HOBT Leadership Team, and Board of Directors.
To learn about who sits on the MayDay Council click: HERE
MDC's Selection Process
HOBT received more than 40 community nominations, representing a wealth of passion, skill, and energy for the work of creating a more equitable and accessible MayDay. Through a robust community nomination and selection process, artists and community leaders were invited to serve on the first MayDay Council.
Free Black Dirt: The First Facilitators of MDC
HOBT initially worked with Free Black Dirt to design and facilitate the MayDay Council.
Free Black Dirt is an artistic partnership formed by Minneapolis based collaborators Junauda Petrus and Erin Sharkey. Committed to creating original theatre and performance, hosting innovative events, organizing local artists, and promoting and supporting the emerging artists’ community in the Twin Cities, Free Black Dirt seeks to spark and engage in critical conversations.
More about MDC
MDC'S primary responsibilities
- The MayDay Council’s primary mandate is to design a collaboration-oriented strategic plan and business model for MayDay;
- The MayDay Council’s secondary mandate is to recommend specific, culturally affirming changes to HOBT’s governance and programming models.
MDC Commitment
- Attend a day-long retreat facilitated by Imagine Deliver to determine decision-making structure and co-create a list of action steps and a visual equity framework
- Meetings at most twice a month
Compensation for MDC members:
- A stipend that is well above minimum wage
- Travel costs included in the stipend
- Childcare provided on-site as needed
- Accessibility requirements met as needed
- Culturally affirming food and beverages will be provided for each meeting.