Come Create with Us!
Here you will find information about job opportunities for staff, teaching artists, and those who are interested in learning the craft of puppetry. There are many opportunities for people of all skill levels to engage with In the Heart of the Beast (HOBT).
Join the Artist Pool
Are you a teaching artist interested in joining our artist pool? Are you curious about puppetry and would like to expand your skills? If you enjoy creating, teaching and performing – come join our community. We hire artists with all levels of puppetry skills, come learn with us and teach others.
Many of our workshops take place in schools and public libraries and we offer many opportunities to multigenerational audiences in spaces around the Twin Cities and the state of Minnesota.
Want to be a wandering puppet? Want to create Storytime puppets? Want to create in a cohort with others? Have your own puppet show but looking for more connections? Let us know!
We also hire multiple professionals for occasional and ongoing engagements throughout the year: photographers, videographers, ASL and spoken language interpreters, stage managers, graphic designers and other creatives!
Please send your resume and inquiries to ekotlyar@hobt.org.
Apply for Careers & Internships
Any opportunities to join the HOBT staff will be posted here in our website. You can also subscribe to our enews and be among the first to know when those openings arise.
Coming soon: internship opportunities!