Volunteer Opportunities
Find out the many ways you can volunteer to support In the Heart of the Beast (HOBT). Thanks for your interest!
Volunteer Opportunities
Puppet Clinic: Build with us
Sometimes we need some extra help papier mache-ing, painting, or patching up a puppet.
Teach with us
We often look for volunteers to assist with community workshops, Summer Camps and story time lend a hand if you have a passion for assistant teaching!
Puppet Library
We often need help during our puppet library hours – greeting the public, telling them about the puppets, helping with puppet check-out
Volunteer During our Events
Do you like to interact with the public? Come help us sell concessions, usher, sell merch and engage in other ways during our events throughout the year!
Help with Main Stage Productions
Get involved in the behind the scenes work that goes into creating new puppet shows — set building, puppet-making, sewing, ushering, and more!
Perform with Us
Learn from expert puppeteers how to wear and perform with puppets! We have collaborations with places like the MN Orchestra where extra volunteer performers are often needed!
Board of Directors
If you have skills and an interest in community-based programming, long-range planning, budgeting, fund-raising, the legal field, or neighborhood issues, please consider joining our Board of Directors.
Sign Up to Volunteer
By filling out this form, you join our volunteer list and sign up to receive emails when there's an upcoming opportunity that may suit your volunteering interests.
Through our newsletter and social media you can find out about upcoming opportunities (some volunteer, some paid).