Water Resources


Blue Gold · Barlow, Maude; Clarke, Tony · New York: The New Press, 2004.

Water: For Health, for Healing, For Life · Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon · Virginia: Global Health Solutions, Inc, 2003.

The Hidden Messages in Water · Emoto, Masaru · Oregon: Beyond Words Publishing, Inc, 2004

The True Power of Water · Emoto, Masaru · Beyond Words Publishing, Inc, 2004

The Greenpeace Book of Water · Lanz, Klaus · New York: Sterling Publishing Co. Inc., 1995.

The Holy Order of Water: Healing Earth’s Water and Ourselves · Marks, William E. ·  Bell Pond Books, 2001

Water: More Precious than Oil · Nelson-Pallmeyer, Jack A.  · Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1982

Troubled Water: Saints, Sinners, Truths, and Lies about the Global Water Crisis · Roddick, Anita · United Kingdom: Anita Roddick Publications, Ltd., 2004

Thirst: A Short History of Drinking Water · Sazman, James · The Berkeley Electronic Press (electronic resource)

Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit · Shiva, Vandana · South End Press: Cambridge, MA, 2002

The Water You Drink: Safe or Suspect? · Stauffer, Julie · Canada: New Society Publishers, 2004

Web Resources on Water Issues

Collected by Tomales Bay Institute

Food and Water Watch – A lot of information about water privatization and water campaigns around the globe.

Food and Water Watch Films – Same organization as above but this link will take you directly to their film library where you can loan some great videos and films about water.

Blue Planet Project  – The primary web-site for international campaigns on water privatization around the globe.

WaterAid – K-12 lLesson plans, downloadable fact sheets, videos, games & posters about water issues in developing countries.

Frontline World: What’s In Your Water Bottle? – Fact sheet on bottled water

Green Educator’s Network – An on-line forum for environmental educators around the world interested in sharing ideas, strategies and resources.

Clean Water Action Minnesota  – Clean Water Action Alliance site about state legislative issues that relate to water

Eco Education – Twin Cities organization that providing a variety of environmental education programs to K-12 students.

Human Development Report on water, published by the United Nations Development Project.

Chalchiutlicue – Minnesota grassroots community water actions, information and resources from a Latino, indigenous perspective and links to other local , regional,  and international water advocacy groups.