Free Black Dirt-y Talk Discussion Series

Agitating and convening conversation in the MayDay Council and in the community.

Join Free Black Dirt, conveners of the MayDay Council, in a Dirt-y Talk Discussion Series around the barriers, challenges, and opportunities of creating a new MayDay process.

We’ll explore tokenization, accessibility, appropriation, gender, non-extractive relationships, community celebration and more as we shape a new MayDay Celebration that is truly equitable, accessible, and community-owned.

On February 28th, we’ll lean into hard conversations around Cultural Appropriation in the art-making process. We will look at examples of film and media that reflects thoughtfully on the topic. You’re invited to consider the history of art-making in this community and how we might create healthy and authentic art-making spaces moving forward.

Save the date for upcoming Dirty-Talk Discussions on July 10th and August 8th!

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