A matching grant makes it easy to give!


Dear Friends:

We come to you to request your critical support. If you give by the end of our fiscal year on August 31 your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $20,000 by a generous challenge grant from the Still Ain’t Satisfied Foundation!

Now more than ever, our work as storytellers, culture carriers and wisdom weavers is needed. The Powderhorn, Phillips and larger Twin Cities’ communities depend on HOBT to create heartfelt and captivating performances that tap into our shared stories and challenge the status quo. HOBT engages people around the critical issues of our times – the health of our environment, the sacredness of our relationships with each other – to find our common experiences and values. We have strong artists and activists who are supported in speaking and sharing their truths. When our nation is suffering the continuing blows of racism, environmental degradation and injustice, art-making is an important response. Our MayDay Parade and Festival remains cathartic and iconic. Last year’s “La Natividad” holiday show explored the wonders of birth cloaked in the challenging issues of immigration. Our translation of “Are You Thirsty?” into a Hip Hop version by and for young adults will bring the vital topic of water security to audiences most affected by the problem.

In the midst of this challenging environment, we are planning a terrific season of performances and programs for 2016. Together, the board, staff and artists are in the process of exploring a range of space and administrative options to best meet the future, ensure economic stability and fulfill our mission. We will keep you updated and invite you to discussions in early fall.

Thanks to you and other friends, we have been able to convert your support and goodwill into successful efforts to address our financial crisis. We are happy to report that we are current with our vendors and creditors, have paid off our bank line of credit, improved our management and accounting systems and have met our program commitments.

Yet, our restoration efforts are not done. In order to keep the momentum going, we need your help. We must raise $50,000 by August 31 to end our fiscal year in the black and to start the new fiscal year with resources to support our valued staff. Shay Berkowitz and Phyllis Wiener and their Still Ain’t Satisfied – a Foundation with Attitude have offered an amazing challenge grant of $20,000 to encourage individual contributions. They ask that you stand with them to match their gift with one of your own. Please donate today so HOBT can continue to bring people together for the common good through the power of puppet and mask performance.

With deep appreciation,

Catherine Jordan
Interim Executive Director
Sandy Spieler
Artistic Director
Kirstin Wiegmann
Board Chair

PS – Please consider becoming a sustaining donor to HOBT through our Heartbeats program, our growing family of supporters who generously give monthly to the theatre. More information is available online at www.hobt.lunadomo.com/donate.